February 11, 2010


As I'm sure you all already know, Alexander McQueen passed away today. While I don't at all want to sound like I'm over-dramatizing my feelings due to this tragic event, I truly do believe Alexander McQueen was my favorite designer. I've never considered picking a favorite before, but remembering all the things he's done and realizing how much potential has been lost, I can't help but feel like his impact was greater on me then anyone else's. I truly can't fathom a world where I don't have new amazing McQueen shoes to post every season. His name has always been synonymous with style to me. Now what? I won't even try and pretend like I know. But sometime soon I will be put up a "Best Of" post to showcase his talent, as well as my favorite pieces. A little walk down memory lane.

Unfortunately, it will have to wait a bit since I'm currently completely swamped at school. But I haven't been this sad about a future post ever.

Here's to a man I didn't know personally, I had never met, I had never given much thought, and here's to a designer who I felt like I had known all my life, I had understood on all levels, and I had thought about frequently.


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